Chopper Tank Flak Artillery Update

I just updated Chopper Tank Flak to v 1.5.0

This update adds a new unit: The Rocket Carrier!

This versatile artillery platform can destroy any unit at ranges between 3 and 5 tiles away. The rockets can even fly over mountains, making the Rocket Carrier a formidable defensive unit. However, the rocket carrier is pretty much the opposite of invincible. In close range the rocket carrier's weapon is useless, and its lack of armour leaves it vulnerable to even infantry. To top it off, the rocket carrier is also the slowest unit in the game, able to move only 3 tiles while also lacking any significant off-road capabilities. Nevertheless, a strategically positioned rocket carrier is a formidable opponent.

If you would like to give the unit a try, it can be found on the levels: Operation Bankrupt, Operation Castle, and Operation Pangea.

Feedback is valuable at this point in development, so please consider leaving a comment on the game.

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